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Decision Maker.

Updated: Jan 11

Want to be a decision maker?  What makes a good decision maker?  Read below to see what Shakevision thinks.

Being a decision maker is important in life. While you make decisions everyday, it’s the type of decisions that really matter. Good decisions and sticking with it is the cornerstone of excellent leadership skills. Making the right decisions will help you in all walks of life and at every age. It can also be the breaking point to a huge transition in life, which makes decision making important for lives biggest moments. As a decision maker, you’re utilizing your critical thinking skills to solve a problem at hand. Whether it’s at work or at home, making the right decision will benefit all.

Simply put, making decisions is a part of everyday life. Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns and at each one you’re left to make choices based on your experience, knowledge and situation. You decision making powers start at an early age and become more important as you get older and assume more responsibility in your personal life and at work.

It’s crazy to think that some young people haven’t mastered the art of decision-making when they enter adulthood. Their whole life has been about making decisions, yet, they didn’t think anything of their past choices. So now that they are in a position where their decisions seriously impact their lives and career, they’re not sure what sort of choices to make. Making decisions can be a dreaded task for many, who are too scared of the what ifs and unknowns. These decisions will change their life entirely and yet they are so unsure of themselves that they aren’t confident in making the right choice.

There are some people who are fearless and are more than adequate at making the right decisions, while others are scared of making mistakes and choosing the wrong choices. It’s better to be part of the fearless group because those are the leaders of tomorrow. They will be the ones making the hard decisions for businesses across the globe and will end up as leaders.

Decision-making is something everyone needs to learn how to do and do it well. It’s an essential life skill that needs to be taught at a very young age since it takes a long time to really master. We all need to learn how to make better choices so that it benefits not only the individual, but others, too. Being a better decision-maker means telling the difference between wrong and right so that the choice you make is for good and something positive. This means you’re less likely to regret your decision or make the wrong choice.

So the next time you need to make a decisions, whether it’s really important or not – take the time to stop and think about it fully so that you make the right choice. In fact, approach all of your decisions making very carefully so to increase your chances of choosing the right decision for that given situation! 

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