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A Good Laugh

Updated: Jan 11

Why is Important to Laugh?

Life is anything but easy. It’s like a roller coaster with its peak (or high moments) and its valleys (low moments), and it’s anything but predictable. But the ones who really understand the journey of life are the ones that can appreciate a good laugh. It’s these individuals who understand the value of laughing, even when life gets tough and there’s nothing really to laugh at. Laughing actually has many benefits – both physically and emotionally – which is why you should laugh as much as possible! Still not convinced? Here are a few reasons why it’s important to laugh and laugh often:

Have you ever noticed that when someone else starts to laugh, you automatically start to laugh, too? That’s because laughter is infectious, spreading to those around you. Laughter has the power to strengthen relationships and promotes bonding among groups. 

Laughter benefits our health

Research has found that laughter, joy and humor are vital to life and health. Not only does it decrease blood pressure, but it can also reduce stress hormones and increase muscle flexion. And laughing helps the circulation of our body’s antibodies in the blood stream, making us more resistant to sickness and infections. Laughter even burns a ton of calories, making it a great workout if you laugh hard and often!

Laughter uplifts our soul

When you laugh a lot, you are uplifting your soul. You are allowing your entire being to let loose and belt out a hearty laugh, allowing you a moment of grace. Laughter is often spontaneous, allowing our soul to become gleeful and joyful with every chuckle that we release.

Laughter helps us be positive

When you’re in a bad mood and you laugh, you instantly start to feel better and more positive. It creates emotions of joy and glee, allowing any bad mood to end! And it eases tension even though it might not really solve any big problems, but at least it’ll make you happier for a while. Nothing’s wrong with a more positive outlook in life and laughing definitely helps you get that!

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